Bernie Sanders Arrested Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. In 1963 Bernie Sanders was arrested during a demonstration protesting the city’s segregated schools. “”Everybody knows what’s happening — who wants to know,” Bernie Sanders wrote in June 1972 in Movement, an irregular Liberty Union Party newsletter he edited. “”A handful of people own almost everything and almost everybody owns nothing. A handful of people make the decisions and the vast majority of people have virtually no control over their lives.” Dating all the way back to the 1960s and ‘70s in Vermont, a formative time for Sanders, the message of the surging socialist presidential candidate has been startling consistent. “”The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and the vast majority in the middle are having a harder and harder time,” he said — in 1974, and ever since.

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