Tales From A to Z (White Text) Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

Unisex T-Shirt. These are the first things that came to mind when I was asked to list anything Tales related from A to Z. And I admit, it was hard. Especially the last letters of the alphabet. This doesn’t define Tales per se. This is just a collection of the things I remember most in Tales. Would really appreciate any buyers! All funds will go to my tuition fee for next semester ;w;. A black version is available here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/a745/works/8757292-tales-from-a-to-z-black

Bear Hug (Dark) T-Shirt Unisex T-Shirt NOW $21.13

Unisex T-Shirt. Design reworked by the very talented Chris McVeigh aka “Powerpig”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/powerpig Also available on “light tees”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/fanboy30/t-shirts/4105562-bear-hug-reworked !http://www.matthewjamesparsons.com/tees/beardark.jpg! !http://www.matthewjamesparsons.com/tees/Bearbrown.jpg! !http://www.matthewjamesparsons.com/tees/bearblack.jpg!