Women’s T-Shirt. Get all your favourite Sherlock moments on one t-shirt! “Click here for the Favourite Sherlock Moments sticker”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/thischarmingfan/works/8270825-favourite-sherlock-moments-sticker “Vote for it at Qwertee here”:http://www.qwertee.com/product/favourite-sherlock-moments/

Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue Tee Unisex T-Shirt NOW $22.59

Unisex T-Shirt. Support our rescue and help us continue to save dogs from idiot humans! Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue is composed of a network of fosters and volunteers that work together to rescue sweet, loving, adoptable dogs from high kill, rural shelters in the south. Many of the dogs we rescue were saved from euthanization. We then spay/neuter, vaccinate, provide flea and heartworm preventative and get them transported north to foster and forever homes. We want the dogs to be in the best possible adoptive home, so we take our time and are diligent in finding the right match. When you donate (or purchase one of these tees!) you’re allowing us to save more lives.

Fluttershy Yay Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

Unisex T-Shirt. I really wanted one of these for myself, and couldn’t find one in a high enough quality so made my own. Complete with butterflies and apprehension. For those who can’t quite make it out, the text in the upper left is “*Inhale…” and the bottom right is “…Too loud?” I recommend it on the yellow T. If you want me to make another T of a Pony quote or design email me at disarrayinc@gmail.com, hell, I’m probably gonna make more for myself anyway.

// no comment (white text) Unisex T-Shirt NOW $21.13

Unisex T-Shirt. Sometimes you just have nothing to say. “Click here for the black text version.”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/altoid/works/8073236-no-comment-black-text “Click here for the green text version.”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/altoid/works/8073237-no-comment-green-text If you have any particular color requests, shoot me an “email”:mailto:nkantar@gmail.com. If you buy this shirt, please post a picture in the “Buyers’ Booth”:http://www.redbubble.com/buyers_booth or send it to me.

Where My Birds At? Unisex T-Shirt NOW $20.31

Unisex T-Shirt. #4 in the ‘British Garden Birds do Gangsta Rap’ series. Featuring a Sparrow rapping a line from DMX’s classic “Party Up”. The party’s poppin’ in the garden and the tiny Sparrow is losing his shit DMX style, albeit with less intimidating growling.