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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. Flameo Instant Noodles! The Noodliest Noodles In The United Republic! Comes in Extra Flaming Agni Hot, Sea Prune Goodness (warning, acquired taste), Vegetarian Fruit Delight and Jennamite Crunch. So why Aang if this is from Korra? Let’s just say it’s my headcanon that Aang was the one who named this wonderful product. “Stay flamin’, my good hotman. Stay flamin’!” This is a parody/mashup of the logo of one of our my country’s local instant noodle companies and the Flameo Noodles mentioned in The Legend of Korra’s episode 5 (but instead of having a fat sumo-wrestling guy like in our noodles logo, we have Aang :D, and hopefully this actually tastes better than our local noodles BECAUSE SERIOUSLY DAD WHY DO WE EVEN KEEP ON BUYING THAT IT TASTES HORRID I DON’T CARE IF IT’S CHEAPER THAN THE REST /shot) Check out other Avatar/Legend of Korra inspired works here! !http://i49.tinypic.com/29gjr44.jpg!:http://www.redbubble.com/people/a745/collections/136447-avata