God Is a Designer. Unisex T-Shirt NOW $20.36

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. You know, one day I was thinking… Pastors and anyone in ministry definitely have a divine job. I mean, that’s what Jesus was/is when He came down 2K years ago… He was/is the Good Shephard. But what about me? what about a little ol’ designer. Then, like a revelation from heaven, I thought “but wait, God IS a designer. He is *THEE* Designer.” Think about it, Genesis chp1, what did He do, He created. He used His creativity to design all that we know now to be true. He used colors, textures, sizes, scents, flavors to design everything. In conclusion, the Creative occupation is the closest thing to divinity as are the Cherubins in Heaven. So designers, don’t fret, we get our creativity from the Big Boss.

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