Hop Varieties of The World Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. For the craft beer lover. A list of every hop variety from around the world formed in the shape of a hop cone. Text Reads: Ahtanum, Amarillo, Apollo, Bravo, Calypso Cascade, Centennial, Chelan, Chinook, Citra, Cluster, Columbus, Comet, Crystal, El Dorado, Eroica, Galena Glacier, Greenburg, Horizon, Liberty, Millennium, Mount Hood, Mount Rainier Newport, Nugget, Palisade, San Juan Ruby Red, Santiam, Satus , Simcoe, Sonnet Golding, Sterling, Summit, Super Galena, Tillicum, Tomahawk, Ultra Vanguard, Warrior, Willamette, Zeus, Admiral, Brewer’s Gold, Bramling Cross, Bullion, Challenger, First Gold, Fuggles, Goldings, Herald, Northdown, Northern Brewer, Phoenix, Pilgrim, Pilot, Pioneer, Progress, Target, Whitbread Golding Variety, Hallertauer Herkules, Hallertauer Magnum, Hallertauer Taurus, Magnum Merkur, Opal, Perle, Saphir, Select, Smaragd, Tradition, Hallertau, Saaz, Tettnang, Spalt, Feux-Coeur Francais, Galaxy, Green Bullet, Hallertau Aroma, Kohatu, M

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