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from the Artist: Unisex Tank Top. So exactly how geeky is this though? From my favourite episode of mystery science theatre 3000: space mutiny; the MST3K gang spent most of the movie coming up with new names for the lead character David Ryder Update… seen in the wild! !http://24.media.tumblr.com/d4a021aab8d6686f7dc851bf4d2f0574/tumblr_n4skrmLpLk1r1aw4bo2_r1_500.png! UPDATE: A kind soul has pointed out an inaccuracy… Stump Chunkman should in fact be Stump Junkman. This has now been changed (thanks Tracy) *UPDATE*: Had a thought… this tee is proving more popular than any of my other designs and its ripe for a bit of *customisation*. So if you have a favourite name that you’d like highlighted in red or some other colour… OR you’d like your name inserted where *Bob Johnson* sits, ping me a message and lets talk. Obviously there is a financial consideration for a one of a kind tee like this. A standard t-shirt normally has 20% commission on it… for a custom tee I will set a commission of