Ravens Steals the Sun Unisex T-Shirt NOW $20.31

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. This design is based on the Haida myth of the raven who steals the sun and created sunlight for the world. “See the myth story here”:http://www.magma.ca/~jbremner/blog/months/RavenStealsSun.htm The Haida are an indigenous nation of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America; they have a unique art style and this piece was somewhat inspired by their artwork style. “See the artwork here”:http://www.redbubble.com/people/lynnetteshelley/art/6377676-1-raven-steals-the-sun !http://ih1.redbubble.net/work.6377676.1.papergc,441×415,w,ffffff.v4.jpg! !http://ih3.redbubble.net/work.6377676.1.fp,375×360,black,black,flat30,m,ffffff.jpg!

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