RESIST (peptide) Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. Peptide “RESIST” Amino acids (the building blocks that make up proteins) can each be represented by a one-letter abbreviation (R for arginine, S for serine, etc). Each amino acid is encoded by one or more “codons,” and each codon is represented by a specific sequence of 3 nucleic acids (the building blocks that make up DNA or RNA). Typically, information is stored in DNA, and is transcribed into RNA which is then used as the instructions to create proteins. This information flow is known as the “central dogma” of biology. Here, we’ve worked backwards from a peptide of interest (“R-E-S-I-S-T”), and wrote out one potential series of mRNA codons which could encode this amino acids ‘word’. I feel very strongly that the current political environment is NOT normal, and felt somewhat (albeit arbitrarily) validated when I found that RESIST (“AGGGAGAGCATTAGTACA”) is in our DNA! It’s on the reverse strand (-) of Chr17, and what’s more, it’s expressed (can be found in amino

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