Weyland Corp logo – Alien – Grey Unisex T-Shirt NOW $19.5

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from the Artist: Unisex T-Shirt. !http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n579/DarkInc1/RedBubble-Banner_zps4ac14e17.jpg!:http://www.darkinc1.com The Weyland Corporation, often shortened to Weyland Corp and sometimes referred as simply “The Company”, was a British multinational corporation with a stock worth of $218 trillion in 2093, specializing and developing in major advancements in technology such as holographics, off-world colonization, FTL travel, and others which are consolidated into seven verticals: health, transportation, energy, electronics, terraforming, security, and cybernetics, headquartered in San Francisco, California, Weyland Corp eventually acquired the Yutani Corporation and formed the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYVbkxc6WpQ Weyland Corp was established by Sir Peter Weyland on October 11, 2012. Weyland Corp soon became the first company in history to make $100 billion within five years due to massive successes in technological advances. I

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